Quick Fixes for Error 500 WordPress Errors – Try These Tips!

Running a WordPress site is generally smooth sailing, but occasionally, you might run into the dreaded Error 500 WordPress. This particular issue can be especially troubling because it offers little information about the cause, making it difficult to diagnose and fix. Whether you’re an experienced developer or a novice blogger, encountering this error can be incredibly frustrating. However, understanding what Error 500 WordPress entails, why it happens, and how you can effectively troubleshoot it can save you a ton of time and stress. The purpose of this guide is to assist you in getting your website back up and operational. We’ll also discuss preventative measures to keep your site running without hiccups in the future.

What is Error 500 in WordPress?

The Error 500 WordPress, commonly referred to as the Internal Server Error, is one of the most frustrating issues a WordPress user can encounter. When you encounter a generic error message, it means that there’s an issue on the server, although specific details aren’t available. This ambiguity can make troubleshooting particularly challenging, especially for those who aren’t tech-savvy.

Symptoms of Error 500 in WordPress

1. Blank Screen of Death

One of the most common symptoms of Error 500 is the “Blank Screen of Death,” where you attempt to access your site, but nothing loads except a blank white page.

2. Error Messages

Sometimes, you might get an actual error message like “500 Internal Server Error,” “HTTP Error 500,” or “Internal Server Error,” which can appear in different forms depending on your browser and server configuration.

What Causes Error 500 in WordPress?

There are several potential causes for Error 500 WordPress. Identifying the root cause is the first step toward resolving the issue.

1. Plugin or Theme Conflicts

Plugins and themes are essential for extending the functionality and appearance of your WordPress site. However, not all plugins and themes play nicely together. Incompatible or poorly coded plugins and themes can cause conflicts, resulting in Error 500 WordPress.

2. Server Overload

One common cause of Error 500 WordPress is server overload. This can happen if your website experiences a sudden surge in traffic, overwhelming the server’s capacity to handle the requests. It’s akin to a busy restaurant kitchen where too many orders at once cause chaos and delays.

3. PHP Memory Limit

A lot of functions on WordPress sites depend on PHP. An Error 500 WordPress may occur if the PHP memory limit is surpassed. This situation is similar to trying to run too many apps on an old computer – eventually, it runs out of memory and crashes.

4. Corrupt .htaccess File

The .htaccess file is crucial for configuring server settings. If this file becomes corrupt, it can lead to server errors, including Error 500 WordPress. Think of the .htaccess file as a set of instructions for the server – if those instructions are garbled or incorrect, the server gets confused.

5. Issues with WordPress Core Files

Sometimes, the core files of WordPress can become corrupted or modified incorrectly, leading to server errors. This is like a car engine with a broken part – even if everything else is in good condition, the car won’t run properly until that part is fixed.

6. Database Connection Problems

WordPress relies on a database to store content and settings. If there’s an issue with the database connection, such as corruption or overload, it can result in Error 500 WordPress. Think of it as trying to access a library with a locked door – if the database is inaccessible, the site can’t function.

How to Diagnose Error 500 in WordPress

Before you can fix the error, you need to diagnose it accurately. Here are two effective methods:

1. Checking Error Logs

The majority of hosting companies allow users to view server error logs, which can provide complete data about what’s causing the Error 500 WordPress. Access these logs through your hosting control panel or via an FTP client.

2. Using Debugging Tools

WordPress has debugging tools that can help you pinpoint the cause of the error. By enabling debugging in your wp-config.php file, you can generate a log of all errors and notices.

define('WP_DEBUG', true);
define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true);

This creates a debug.log file in your wp-content directory, where you can review detailed error messages.

Step-by-Step Guide to Fix Error 500 WordPress

Now that you’ve identified the potential causes, let’s walk through the steps to fix Error 500 WordPress.

Step 1: Backup Your Website

Always start by backing up your site. By doing this, you can be sure that you have a backup copy of your data in case something goes wrong while troubleshooting. Use a reliable backup plugin or your hosting provider’s backup feature.

Step 2: Increase PHP Memory Limit

In many cases, the error can be fixed by raising the PHP memory limit. Here’s how:

How to Increase PHP Memory Limit via wp-config.php

Please include the subsequent code in your wp-config.php file:

define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '128M');

To enhance performance, we’re upping the PHP memory limit to 128MB. If you find that this doesn’t resolve the issue, you might need to increase it further or consult with your hosting provider.

Step 3: Check for Corrupt .htaccess File

A corrupt .htaccess file is a frequent culprit behind Error 500 WordPress.

How to Rename .htaccess File
  1. Connect to your site via FTP or your hosting provider’s File Manager.
  2. Visit your WordPress root directory and find the.htaccess file.
  3. Rename the file to something like .htaccess_old.
  4. Try reloading your site. If it works, the .htaccess file was the issue.
  5. To regenerate a new .htaccess file, go to WordPress Dashboard > Settings > Permalinks and simply click Save Changes without making any modifications.

Renaming the file temporarily removes it from the server’s configuration, allowing you to see if it was the source of the problem.

Step 4: Deactivate All Plugins

If the .htaccess file isn’t the issue, the next step is to deactivate all plugins.

Deactivate Plugins via WordPress
  1. Get into WordPress admin.
  2. Just click on Plugins and then Installed Plugins.
  3. Deactivate all installed plugins.
  4. Reactivate each plugin one by one to identify the culprit.
How to Deactivate Plugins via FTP
  1. Access your server using FTP.
  2. Go to the wp-content directory.
  3. Rename the plugins folder to plugins_old.
  4. Check if your site loads. If it does, the issue lies with one or more plugins.
  5. Rename the plugins_old folder back to plugins.
  6. Go ahead and activate each plugin separately, and then refresh your website to identify which plugin is causing the issue.

This method ensures that you can access your site without any plugins, allowing you to determine if a plugin is causing the issue.

Step 5: Switch to a Default Theme

Themes can also cause conflicts, especially if they are not well-coded.

How to Change Themes via WordPress
  1. Access the WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Appearance > Themes.
  3. Activate the Twenty Twenty-One WordPress theme or any other default theme.
  4. Check if the error persists.
How to Change Themes via FTP
  1. Access your server using FTP.
  2. Go to the wp-content/themes directory.
  3. Rename your current theme’s folder to something like theme_old.
  4. This will automatically switch your site to a default theme like Twenty Twenty-One.
  5. Check if your site loads. If it does, the theme was the problem.

Switching to a default theme can help you determine if your theme is causing the error.

Step 6: Re-upload Core Files

Sometimes, re-uploading the core WordPress files can fix the error.

How to Re-upload WordPress Core Files
  1. Download a fresh copy of WordPress from wordpress.org.
  2. Extract the files on your computer.
  3. Upload the wp-admin and wp-includes folders to your server, replacing the existing ones.

Re-uploading core files ensures that you have a clean, uncorrupted version of WordPress.

Step 7: Repair Database

A corrupted database can also cause Error 500 WordPress.

How to Repair the Database via phpMyAdmin
  1. Log into phpMyAdmin from your hosting control panel.
  2. Select your WordPress database.
  3. Click on the “Check All” box and then choose “Repair table” from the dropdown menu.

Repairing the database can fix any corruption issues that might be causing the error.

Step 8: Contact Your Hosting Provider

If none of the above solutions work, the issue might be server-related. In such cases:

  1. Reach out to your hosting provider’s support team.
  2. Provide them with details about the Error 500 and the troubleshooting steps you have already taken.
  3. They may need to check server logs or make configuration changes to resolve the issue.

Preventing Error 500 WordPress in the Future

Once you’ve resolved the error, it’s important to take steps to prevent it from happening again.

1. Regular Updates and Maintenance

Keep WordPress, themes, and plugins updated to their latest versions. Regular updates ensure compatibility and security, reducing the risk of errors. Set a schedule for regular maintenance to keep everything running smoothly.

2. Monitoring Server Resources

Regularly monitor your server’s performance to identify potential issues before they become critical. Many hosting providers offer tools to help you track server usage and performance. Tools like New Relic or server monitoring services can alert you to potential problems before they cause downtime.

3. Choosing Reliable Hosting

Opt for a hosting provider known for its reliability and good customer support. Quality hosting can prevent many server-related issues that lead to Error 500 WordPress. Consider managed WordPress hosting solutions, which often provide better performance and support.

4. Using Caching Plugins

WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache are two well-known caching plugins. By storing static versions of your pages, these plugins cut down on the number of requests that reach your server. Proper caching configuration can significantly enhance your site’s speed and stability.

Tools and Resources for Fixing Error 500

Recommended Plugins

To streamline the process of identifying and fixing issues related to Error 500 WordPress, you can utilize various plugins that offer debugging and diagnostic capabilities.

  1. WP Debugging: This plugin helps you enable WP_DEBUG mode in WordPress. It is essential for uncovering PHP errors and warnings that may be causing the server error.
  2. Health Check & Troubleshooting: This tool is incredibly useful as it performs a thorough check of your WordPress installation, including PHP settings, MySQL settings, and other critical components. It also allows you to troubleshoot in a safe mode that deactivates themes and plugins without affecting your site’s visitors.
  3. Query Monitor: This plugin provides a comprehensive analysis of database queries, PHP errors, and other aspects of your site’s performance. It is particularly useful for developers and advanced users.

Useful Online Tools

In addition to plugins, several online tools can assist in diagnosing and fixing Error 500 WordPress issues.

  1. GTmetrix: This tool analyzes your site’s speed and performance, offering insights that can help you identify if performance issues are contributing to server errors. It provides detailed reports on loading times, file sizes, and other critical metrics.
  2. Google PageSpeed Insights: Similar to GTmetrix, Google PageSpeed Insights offers a detailed performance analysis of your site, highlighting areas that need improvement. It is a valuable resource for optimizing your site and preventing server overloads that can lead to Error 500.
  3. Pingdom: This tool provides real-time monitoring of your website’s uptime and performance. It alerts you to downtime and other issues that might be causing server errors, allowing you to respond quickly.

Support Forums and Communities

When you’re stumped, sometimes the best solution is to reach out to the community. Various forums and communities are dedicated to helping WordPress users solve problems like Error 500 WordPress.

  1. WordPress.org Forums: The official WordPress support forums are a great place to ask for help and find solutions to common issues. You can search for threads related to Error 500 or start your own thread if you need specific advice.
  2. Stack Overflow: This is a go-to resource for developers and technical users. You can find detailed answers to complex issues and post your own questions to get help from the community.
  3. Reddit: Subreddits like r/Wordpress and r/webdev are excellent places to seek advice and share experiences with other WordPress users. The community is active and often quick to respond to queries.

Hosting Support

Sometimes the root cause of Error 500 can be traced back to server issues. In such cases, your hosting provider can be an invaluable resource.

  1. Managed WordPress Hosting Support: If you use a managed WordPress hosting service, their support team will have specialized knowledge and tools to diagnose and fix server-related issues. They can assist with server logs, configuration problems, and more.
  2. Hosting Provider’s Knowledge Base: Many hosting providers have extensive knowledge bases and support documentation that can guide you through common issues, including Error 500. Check your hosting provider’s website for articles and guides that might help.


Encountering an Error 500 WordPress on your site can be daunting, but with the right approach, it’s fixable. By understanding the common causes and following the steps outlined above, you can resolve the issue and get your site back up and running. Regular maintenance and monitoring can also help prevent this error from happening in the future. Remember, proactive care and regular checkups are the keys to keeping your WordPress site healthy and error-free.

Additionally, investing time in understanding the technical aspects of your site can empower you to handle such issues more effectively. Regular updates, proper server management, and consistent monitoring of your site’s performance are critical practices. Implementing these practices not only helps in avoiding the Error 500 WordPress but also ensures your site runs smoothly, providing a better experience for your visitors.


  1. What is Error 500 WordPress?

    Error 500 WordPress, or is a generic server error that signifies a server-side issue., but the server is unable to specify the exact problem.

  2. How can I check what is causing the Error 500 WordPress?

    You can check the error logs on your server or enable WordPress debugging to identify what is causing the error. Debugging logs provide detailed error messages that can help pinpoint the issue.

  3. Can a theme cause Error 500 WordPress?

    Yes, a poorly coded or incompatible theme can cause Error 500 WordPress. Switching to a default theme can help identify if the theme is the issue. If the error disappears when using a default theme, it’s likely that your current theme is the cause.

  4. Is it possible to fix Error 500 WordPress without technical knowledge?

    While some solutions might require technical knowledge, many steps like increasing PHP memory limit or deactivating plugins can be done by following simple guides. However, if you feel uncomfortable making these changes, consider seeking help from a professional.

  5. How can I prevent Error 500 WordPress from happening again?

    Regular updates, monitoring server resources, choosing reliable hosting, and using caching plugins can help prevent Error 500 WordPress from recurring. Proactive maintenance and monitoring are key to a healthy WordPress site.

  6. Is it safe to troubleshoot Error 500 on my own?

    Yes, with proper guidance and caution. However, if you’re unsure, consulting with a professional or your hosting provider is advisable.

  7. What if none of the solutions work?

    If all else fails, contact your hosting provider. They can help pinpoint server-related issues and offer solutions.

  8. Can Error 500 WordPress damage my website?

    Error 500 WordPress itself doesn’t damage your website, but the underlying issue causing it can affect functionality if not resolved.

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