
Proven Methods to Increase PHP Memory Limit for Better Performance

Increase PHP Memory Limit

Proven Methods to Increase PHP Memory Limit for Better Performance

WordPress is a popular platform for creating websites and blogs, known for its flexibility and ease of use. However, like any other software, it has its limitations. One such limitation is the PHP memory limit, which can cause issues when running resource-intensive tasks or plugins.  In this post, we’ll cover methods to increase PHP memory limit in WordPress step-by-step.

What is PHP Memory Limit?

The maximum memory that PHP scripts are allowed to allocate is known as the PHP memory limit. This limit helps prevent scripts from consuming too much server memory, which could lead to performance issues or even server crashes.

Imagine the PHP Memory Limit as the “seating capacity” of a small car. Just as the car can only fit a certain number of passengers comfortably, PHP scripts have a limit on the total memory they can use on the server. If you try to squeeze too many people into the car, it’ll be cramped and uncomfortable—similarly, scripts exceeding the PHP Memory Limit can lead to errors or slow down your website. Managing this limit is like ensuring you have just the right number of passengers in the car, keeping everyone comfortable and the journey smooth without any unexpected hiccups or crashes.

Importance of Increasing PHP Memory Limit

WordPress relies heavily on PHP to execute various tasks, such as processing themes, plugins, and database queries. If the PHP memory limit is too low, it can hinder the functionality of WordPress, causing errors or unexpected behavior.

Check PHP Memory Limit in your WordPress

You can check the PHP memory limit in many ways, depending on your server configurations and what you can access.

To find out the current PHP Memory Limit on your WordPress site, you can access it through the ‘Site Health’ option in the “tool” section within your WordPress dashboard. Alternatively, you can use plugins like WP Memory Usage to monitor memory usage and detect potential issues.

Before proceeding with the memory limit adjustment, it’s essential to determine the current PHP memory limit set on your server. You can check the current limit by creating a PHP file with the following code snippet:

If you’re using self-hosted WordPress, within your CPanel, you will find a “PHP Configuration” option under the “Advanced” section. Next, you need to click on “PHP options” within your “PHP Configuration”, you will find the memory limit option & check your current memory limit. Also, you can increase your memory limit there & save it.

 Methods to Increase PHP Memory Limit

Depending on your server configuration and access level, there are numerous methods to raise the PHP memory limit.

Verifying the PHP Memory Limit Increase

After implementing the changes, it’s crucial to verify whether the PHP memory limit has been successfully increased. You can use the previously mentioned PHP script to check the current memory limit and ensure that it reflects the desired value.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter any issues while increasing the PHP memory limit, such as server errors or unexpected behavior, you can troubleshoot by:

Best Practices for Managing PHP Memory Limit

To optimize the performance and stability of your PHP applications, consider the following best practices:


Increasing the PHP memory limit in WordPress is essential for ensuring smooth operation and optimal performance, especially for websites with heavy traffic or resource-intensive plugins. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this guide, you can safely increase the PHP memory limit and resolve any related issues that may arise.


  1. Will increasing PHP memory limit improve performance?

    Increasing PHP memory limit can improve performance for memory-intensive operations but may not directly impact overall application speed.

  2. Is it necessary to restart the web server after changing the PHP memory limit?

    Yes, restarting the web server is required for the new PHP memory limit configuration to take effect.

  3. Why do I encounter memory limit errors even after increasing PHP memory limit?

    Memory limit errors may persist if your scripts exceed the allocated memory limit or if there are other resource constraints on the server.

  4. Can I increase PHP memory limit beyond 256 megabytes?

    Yes, you can increase the PHP memory limit to a higher value depending on your server’s resources and requirements.

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